Your skin is your most valuable clothing. Skin care is a usual concern for most women. Many beautiful women with blotched skin are looking for a way to lighten it. Wanting their skin brightened, some are looking for a change while others are seeking a way to get rid of skin blotches. In this article, we are going to introduce you some simple and practical ways to lighten your skin.
Get rid of skin darkness with simple brightening methods
Most people looking for a bright skin are usually tired of their skin color. What skin color you choose, is a matter of taste. The concept of beauty is relative based on everyone’s point of view. Usually white people want their skin tanned while those with dark skin are looking for a way to whiten it.
There are a couple of ways for skin brightening. Skin darkness might be totally hereditary or due to improper skin care. However, no need to worry. With the following solutions, you can notice your skin getting bright gradually after a while.
Brighten your tanned skin with natural masks.
There are many treatments available to overcome darkening of skin. One of these methods is to use homemade masks. Most people use masks and home remedies to remove dark spots appeared recently on their skin or aging spots. There are several types of home masks to lighten the skin. The most important and practical skin lightening masks include the following:
Honey mask
Honey mask is one of the easiest homemade masks to remove all kinds of darkness and blotches on the skin miraculously. If you want to use this mask to lighten your skin, we suggest combining it with a little amount of starch. Then, apply it on your face and neck. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash the mask and see the miracle!
Lemon face mask
One of the most effective home remedies to overcome skin darkening is to put on fresh lemon. Doing so, you can apply fresh lemon juice on your face with a piece of cotton and let it stay for a few minutes. After a few minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this once in three days for two weeks to see the amazing result.
Egg white (albumen) brightening mask: a miracle for your face
Another home remedy used for skin lightening is to put on egg white mask daily. Egg whites can brighten the skin amazingly by closing skin pores. Combine an egg white with 2 teaspoons of white flour and put the prepared mask on your face. After using this mask several times, your skin will be one to two degrees lighter.
You can put on topical herbal medication to brighten your skin
There are various herbal remedies available for skin lightening. Of them, we can mention the combination of white mustard flour with red orpiment, sweet almonds with starch and tragacanth and licorice with radish seeds. Mix aforementioned ingredients well and apply them on your face every night.
Take the note that herbal remedies, just like home masks, are suitable for only casual skin darkening, and you should not expect significant change using them.
Your skin may get one or two degrees lighter, regularly putting on these masks. However, if you expect a significant change, we recommend laser therapy.
Skin lightening with laser therapy
As you age, your skin collagen is reduced leading to skin darkening. Most women seek a way to overcome skin darkness and blotches. There are a lot of ways to do so. Various homemade masks and herbal medicine can be a bit effective in lightening your skin. However, the best method you can permanently get rid of your skin with is laser therapy.
In skin whitening with laser, energy emanating from focused right lays is conducted toward skin dark areas and skin layers are exfoliated one after another doing so. These light waves, which are radiated in different wavelengths, produce heat to remove dark areas on the skin forever. To achieve the best result, we recommend that you undergo this procedure under supervision of a specialist.
You can purchase specialized devices used for skin lightening from AFA
In this article, you got acquainted with simple and practical ways used for skin lightening. Laser therapy is one of the most updated technologies for skin brightening. Aftab Forouzan Aria company, being an old-line in supplying medical products for two decades, has provided cosmetic clinics with the best devices to do so.
Dear physicians and specialists and cosmetic clinics can call 02188107070 in order to purchase specialized medical devices.