After the skin is damaged, the body will naturally repair the injured area. Yet, how this is done depends on the severity of that damage. If the damage is not serious and only the superficial layers are involved, a thin new skin tissue will be formed on the wound. But if severe, the body will create thick skin as a response. It is the thick skin that will turn into a scar. The scar color is usually pink at first but over time, it becomes darker or lighter than skin normal color. Now let’s talk about different types and features of scars.


Different types of scars

There are different groups of scars, based on how they look:

Hypertrophic scar (excess flesh)

These types of scars, as the name implies, project from the damaged area. Scar projection is due to overproduction of collagen and overgrowth of repair tissue. These scars are red in color, often seen in people with dark skin. Treatment of hypertrophic scars can be very time consuming. Colloid scars are, in fact, the severe form of hypertrophic scars.


Atrophic scars

If you have a history of previous varicella or cystic acne infection, you probably have one or two of these scars on your face. These scars destruct the skeleton of the face and, for this reason, is not repaired unlike other ones.

Striae (stretched scars)

These scars are formed on the incision site after surgery. They are smooth and lighter than the skin. Stretched scars are formed due to improper suturing or incomplete wound healing. They can also appear on the areas like elbow or knee which are extended a lot during daily activities.



Burn scars

Burn scars are different depending on how sever and deep is the burning. These scars make skin loos sagged and deformed.

Different ways to remove surgical or burn scars

Scar removal with injection

Steroid injections can be used to treat prominent or colloidal scars. Your doctor may inject steroids alone or in combination with other treatments. Some doctors also recommend gel or collagen injections to treat some scars, such as atrophic ones. These methods can be effective, but are not permanent. Also, liposuction and injection of a small amount of patient body fat into the scar can resolve it.


Laser therapy

Various lasers can be used to treat scars. The type of device and laser modality is based on the type of scar. But the most commonly used one to treat scars is the fractional CO2 laser.

Fractional CO2 is a great laser to remove different acne, wound and burn scars. It can treat all complications and stains left on the skin besides its rejuvenation and lifting. Fractional laser rays pass through the primary outer layer of skin and after reaching the dermis, heat it leading to an increase in collagen synthesis.

Fractional laser is not only used for treating burn and surgical scars, but also for removing wrinkles and improving skin color.


Anti-scar gel and lotions

Some doctors treat scars by prescribing gels containing antioxidants and skin repair agents. Antihistamine creams and steroid gels are also used for removing itching scars.

Skin exfoliation

Some scars can also be removed through exfoliation. In this method, with the help of a chemical agent, the outer surface of the skin is smoothed and becomes uniform. Exfoliation is used for facial skin and can repair its rough texture. It is a great way to get rid of atrophic scars caused by acne and chicken pox. It is also used for treating problems caused by sun exposure.


Scar removal surgery

Plastic surgery can be used to treat deeper and larger scars. Simple topical treatments and minor or reconstructive surgeries, are some of the methods applied to remove scars. In this procedure, the surgeon removes the scar and smoothes the wound edge. Surgery is the best way to remove a scar and the surgeon utilizes the skin elasticity doing so. In large scars repair surgery, the surgeon minifies the scar to have the somewhat same texture as the normal skin arround.

Of complications of plastic scar surgery, bleeding, infection, skin hypersensitivity, coagulation and severe pain can be mentioned.


Convalescence period for different scar treatments

The convalescence period of the most treatment methods won’t last more than a week. How much the scar is removed and disappeared after the treatment is dependent on how large and deep the scar was and what kind of treatment was chosen.

How much will it cost for you?

It depends. Severity of surgical/burn scars and the type of treatment are the factors determining the ultimate cost.


Remove all kind of scars with medical equipment offered by Aftab Forouzan Aria company

Wound, acne and burn scars can now be easily treated applying current medical technology. AFA Company, with its expert personnel, provides devices and equipment required by doctors, specialists and specialized cosmetic clinics. For further information about current technologies, you can call 02188107070 to have a consult with AFA company experts.