The lipomatic machine has been designed to remove topical fats based on N.I.L technology. In this system, two technologies of infrasonic waves with a frequency of less than 20 Hz and nutational movement of the cannula are used simultaneously for sculpting. The use of this technology has reduced the complications of fat removal and has made Lipomatic a unique and in-demand device. Lipomatic is currently used in more than 50 countries around the world. We suggest you find all the specialized information related to lipomatics by downloading the catalogue of this product.


LIPOMATIC is the newest topical fat removal machine in the world, developed by EUROMI. This machine is one of the most popular thematic fat removal machines. LIPOMATIC is currently used in more than 50 countries around the world. LIPOMATIC is based on a unique technology called N.I.L in which ultrasonic waves that are well transmitted in water and have a frequency of less than 20 Hz, enter the adipose tissue.

What are the advantages of using ultrasonic waves over other fat removal methods?

In this system, heat energy does not escape from the cannula, so burns and necrosis that occur at the entrance of the cannula in lipolysis and ultrasonic waves are not observed in this method. Infrasonic waves stimulate fibroblasts to make collagen, which, in addition to not damaging the septa by heat and trauma, causes the skin to tighten and shrink after fat removal with infrasonic waves. No tissue necrosis and perforation when using ultrasonic waves allows the removal of fat from all layers of the hypodermis and reduces the possibility of fat return.

Since it is possible to remove fat from all layers, skin roughness that is seen with other methods of fat removal (e.g. liposuction and lipo-laser) is not seen in this method. Here are some of the most important benefits of using LIPOMATIC:

  • No heat production as a result of fat removal without any risk of burns from the most superficial part of the hypodermis as a result of the treatment of the appearance of orange peel cellulite
  • No need for hits and therefore no physician fatigue and no complications of traditional liposuction
  • Ability to perform the process on all parts of the body e.g. abdomen, sides, tights, arms, knees, legs, double chin, back, buttocks, and even areas that have previously developed roughness and fibrosis due to the methods such as lipolysis
  • High speed due to simultaneous suction and therefore the ability to suck large amounts of fat
  • Removal of fat homogeneously and causing no dents and bumps
  • Lifting and shrinking the skin due to not damaging the septa and the effect of infrasonic waves and stimulating fibroblasts to synthesize collagen
  • Performing the procedure without the need for general anesthesia and only with local anesthesia
  • Short recovery period of wearing girdle only for ten days
  • No blistering, burns, scars, and necrosis
  • A density-sensitive security system that stops the device completely intelligently and automatically when the cannula hits a tissue whose density is different from that of adipose tissue.
  • Utilizing various and dedicated cannulas to work in different areas of the body for the selected liposculpture
  • The possibility of injecting drained fat as a filler even in large areas such as the buttocks and breasts
  • Separation of fats and turning them into millet grain fat particles
  • Keeping the stem cells healthy up to 90% (no stress on the cell wall)
  • No need for washing and centrifugation

Features of the LIPOMATIC device

The Sp6 LIPOMATIC device uses a controlled injection system to inject the tumescent solution, which has many special features simultaneously with the vibration of infrasonic waves:

  • Faster distribution of tumescent solution
  • Homogeneous distribution of tumescent solution in all areas
  • Sooner and higher anesthesia everywhere
  • Less need for an anesthetic solution and reducing the risk of lidocaine toxicity


Aspiration of fat in LIPOMATIC is performed by infrasonic waves. The use of ultrasonic waves causes lipolysis and selectively removal of fat without damaging the blood vessels and septa. The result is a reduced risk of embolism bleeding. Lack of damage to the septa, along with the stimulation of fibroblasts to collagen production by infrasonic waves, causes the skin to tighten and not sagging. In this method, lipolysis and fat aspiration are performed simultaneously by the micro-pump and cause no excessive damage to the tissue. It is also possible to use cannulas of different sizes and shapes.

Security system

The LIPOMATIC device is equipped with a density-sensitive security system that, in the event of a cannula hitting a tissue whose density is different from that of adipose tissue, the device stops automatically. Therefore, damage to vital organs such as muscles does not occur. The three-dimensional movement of the cannula causes the blood vessels to bypass, and rupture of the blood vessels does not occur.

Contact us to order a LIPOMATIC device

Aftab Forouzan Aria is a supplier of LIPOMATIC devices in Iran. If you want to find more information and order the device, contact AFA Company. Our colleagues provide you with all the relevant information and are with you. Contact number 02188107070 is your bridge to Aftab Forouzan Aria. We look forward to hearing from you.

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