
Plasmage device with patented fractional plasma is one of the top devices produced in the world. Plasmage, a product of the Italian company, Brera, has created a huge revolution in achieving the highest efficiency with the lowest risk of side effects in the world. Plasmage device is supplied by Aftab Forouzan Aria Company in Iran. Get acquainted with this device by downloading the catalogue and reviewing the product information.

The use of plasma energy due to its unique properties has a very special and increasing place in skin and beauty treatments. Following the strike of plasma arc with the skin, sublimation of part of the epidermal layer and stimulation of the dermis improves collagen structure, speeds up cell turnover, and stimulates fibroblasts to synthesize more collagen. Plasmage, a product of the Italian company, Brera, has created a huge revolution in achieving the highest efficiency with the lowest risk of side effects in the world. It has two functional modes, continuous and fractional.

Fractional transfer of plasma to the surface of the skin results in maximum control of heat dissipation at depth and the amount of sublimated tissue, depth of degradation, and heat dissipation to adjacent tissues is completely controlled. Therefore, plasma is known as the first fractional plasma as the best choice in the treatment of wrinkles and lesions around the eye in the world. We suggest that you watch all the information related to the plasma device in a few minutes by watching the following short video:

Features of treatment with Plasmage:

Plasma has very attractive and practical features, which make the Plasmage device the first choice of many specialists and physicians. Some of the characteristics of plasmage are as follows:

  • Six Adjustable powers
  • Five adjustable fractional modes in each setting
  • Used in continuous mode (in cases where heat dissipation control is not a priority)
  • Maximum effectiveness in reducing eyelid wrinkles (blepharoplasty)
  • The first technology allowed to perform treatment on the lower eyelid
  • Generation of the largest volume of plasma using alternating current (AC), at thirty different levels, compared to devices that can be used on the skin and beauty
  • Used to treat all parts of the body
  • Shortest treatment and recovery period
  • 9 specific treatment programs
  • No consumables
  • Easy to use, lightweight, and portable
  • A very light and ergonomic handpiece
  • Performing delicate treatments
  • Two different needles for different treatments
  • No risk of scarring, short recovery, no need for anesthesia and injection anesthesia

Therapeutic applications:

  • Non-invasive blepharoplasty
  • Drooping and wrinkles in the upper and lower eyelid
  • Post-surgery lesions
  • Wrinkles and sagging skin
  • Wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, laugh line, around the lips, on the neck, and around the ears
  • Hypertrophic and hypotrophic scars
  • Flat and bulging lesions, corns, warts, and moles
  • Xanthelasma
  • Lentigo
  • Acne
  • Fibroma
  • Striae and stretch marks
  • Resurfacing

What is the price of Plasmage device?

Due to market fluctuations, it is not possible to enter the exact price of plasma on the site. We suggest you contact AFA experts for more detailed information.

Purchase a plasmage machine from Afa

To order and buy a Plasmage, just contact Afa. Our colleagues provide you with all the information and are with you. 02188107070 is your way of communication with Afa.

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