What is the function of adipose tissue in the body?
The thickness of subcutaneous fat varies in different parts of the body. The thinnest layer of fat is found in the eyelid and the thickest in the buttocks. There is also a significant difference between men and women in the distribution of subcutaneous fat and its thickness. However, in addition to morphological differences, adipocytes in different parts of a body are not the same in terms of metabolic activities. Fat cells originate from mesenchymal stem cells, which have the ability to synthesize and store fat. Triglycerides are the main fat in these cells. Adipose tissue is spread throughout the body and is considered a real organ in terms of structure and function. This tissue is responsible for regulating body temperature, providing energy, and protecting the body against mechanical damage; In normal people, subcutaneous fat makes up 10% of the total body weight.
What is local slimming?
In some people, some parts of the body are larger and fatter than other parts, which is known as localized obesity. Local slimming is a treatment for localized obesity. In some people, localized obesity is such that the accumulation of fat in the pelvis is higher than in other organs. Localized obesity makes a person look disproportionate in the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs, which may lead to social problems and destructive effects on one’s mood. Choosing clothes is also very difficult for such people because their upper and lower torso do not fit together and will have more limited choices. But fortunately, today, the treatment of various types of local obesity is provided by local slimming, so that these people can be fit.
How does localized obesity occur?
Despite the identification of several genetic factors affecting obesity, the increasing rate of this problem worldwide has proved the environmental factors as the main etiology of weight gain and obesity. However, genetic factors provide the basis for the greater impact of environmental factors on some people. Localized obesity can generally be due to sitting for long periods, childbirth, hereditary factors, hormonal disorders, diet, etc.
Weight gain and obesity have different etiologies. However, the main reason is an imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Behavioral and environmental factors contributing to energy imbalances include factors related to calorie intake (e.g. increasing the number of meals or diets containing refined carbohydrates) and factors such as sedentary lifestyle. Other environmental factors that contribute to energy imbalances, such as insufficient sleep, infectious diseases, excessive consumption of trans fats, and differences in the quality of macronutrients (e.g. a decrease or increase in the sugar content of carbohydrates) can all cause changes in appetite or metabolic problems. Energy imbalance leads to its storage in adipocytes in both hypertrophy and hyperplasia with abnormal function of adipocytes, especially in their endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Changes in the synthesis of insulin, adipokines, free fatty acids, and inflammatory mediators at the cellular and systemic levels may cause clinical signs and symptoms of obesity.
Adipose tissue hypertrophy and hyperplasia:
A prolonged imbalance between calories consumed and expended in the body increases the storage of excess energy in the form of intracellular triglycerides in adipocytes. Increased body mass index occurs in the form of accumulation of intracellular lipids, increase in adipocyte size (hypertrophy), and increase in adipocyte number (hyperplasia). Adipocyte hypertrophy was previously considered the only causes of increased adipose tissue volume in adults with weight gain and type 2 diabetes. But now, hyperplasia has also been added to the etiology of weight gain and obesity.
How does hyperplasia occur?
An increase in the adipocyte number and differentiation of preadipocyte cells into adipocytes occur due to the secretion of adipokines. Factors that affect the control of hypertrophy and hyperplasia are not yet fully understood; However, circulating insulin and glucocorticoid concentrations have been shown to stimulate the differentiation of preadipocytes, and in vitro studies have shown that they are released locally by hypertrophic adipoxins. Insulin growth factor also stimulates hyperplasia with paracrine pattern. Growth hormone and thyroxine seem to play a key role in this process; however, due to differences in the location of fat accumulation, the effect of growth hormone in vitro is quite different from that of living tissue.
Many in vitro investigations have shown that hyperplasia in adipocytes occurs later than these cells and is associated with greater severity and irreversibility of metabolic complications. Although both hypertrophy and hyperplasia occur in response to energy imbalances, the occurrence of these two procedures varies according to the site of adipose tissue. For instance, in women with higher subcutaneous fat mass, hyperplasia and hypertrophy are observed, while the increase in visceral fat occurs primarily due to hypertrophy. Various research has shown that in the early stages of obesity, subcutaneous adipose tissue increases and occurs after reaching the highest capacity of visceral fat accumulation.
How does local slimming treatment work?
Since there are so many applicants for local slimming services, technology helps us improve our beauty. Liposuction is performed using different devices according to the physical condition of the people. Using Evamatic, Lipolex and TruSculpt devices can be used to remove fat in various parts, and so, treat local obesity. Cavitation is a safe way to remove fat and get fit. It can remove fat using focused ultrasound. Ultrasound emits waves to create cavitation microbubbles in the interstitial fluid between the adipocytes, and the fat is excreted through the urinary tract without damaging other cells or other parts of the body.
Local slimming and related medical equipment of Aftab Forouzan Aria Company:
It is hoped that anyone with local obesity will achieve their ideal fitness using existing medical technology. The expert team of Aftab Forouzan Aria (AFA) Company has aimed to aid physicians, specialists, and specialized beauty and treatment clinics by supplying and manufacturing the latest medical devices in the world, in order to take an important step towards the health. For more information or to receive consultation from the specialists of AFA Medical Equipment Company, please call 02188107070.